Unthinkable Future

Condô Ecocultural - The Future is Radical
Project carried out between September 2021 and February 2022.
Practical attitudes to deal with the imminent climate collapse. Using artistic and artivist tools to work with permaculture, agroforestry and composting. It had the following strands: Jardim das Delícias, Rádio TV Mundo Novo and the Climate Collapse Survey.

Garden of Delights
- Community Composting Point
- Immersion in Bioconstruction to build an oven and a wood-burning stove with the Moça Barro Collective
- Agroforestry workshop with Bento Cruz
- First Seed and Seedling Exchange Fair
The Composting Point
22 weeks of collection - 1510.3 Kg of organic waste
200 seedlings distributed
Learn more about Composting project and Community Composting Point
Keepers of the Compost
Program focused on young people in the Vila Anglo Brasileira neighborhood
03 young people received a grant for three months to take part in the program, which includes educational activities on composting, caring for the garden and communication and engagement actions on the subject in the neighborhood where 50 posters were put up, as well as a social media campaign.
Bioconstruction with the Moça Barro Collective
From October 18 to 24, 2021 with the participation of 15 guests.
The process was immersive and took place during the pandemic, so it was necessary to have a small group of people. The result was the construction of an oven and a wood-burning stove using bioconstruction techniques.
Agroforestry workshop with Bento Cruz
October 30 and 31, 2021 with the participation of 30 people.
A free, in-person experience for anyone who wants to learn about and set up an edible garden, whether in an institution, at home or in public spaces.
Seed and Seedling Exchange Fair
February 26, 2022.
It took place during the Café Caipira, accompanied by Live Radio and the exhibition Inadiável Futuro. To activate communication about the Fair, a seed kit was raffled off on the Instagram profile in December 2021.

The Garden's actions, especially the workshops, were a process of collective transformation. With the Moça Barro Collective, we had a powerful experience building an oven and a wood-burning stove over eight days. We spent two days with Bento Cruz learning the principles of agroforestry and reorganizing some flower beds.
Being together in difference, accomplishing something concrete through sweat and toil, is what it's all about. greater exercise of democracy. Everything is stapled and mated, taking shape through our hands and bodies (long live the working class!).
These experiences invite us to reflect on elitism in the workplace, which places intellect above the body. Forgetting that it is only through bodies in relationship that social transformation is achieved.
Working with the land reminds us that we are land, that we came from it and that we will return to it. And that, at the end of the day, this is ancestry. And as Anapuaka said on our program Encontro Programado on RádioTV Mundo Novo: "Be a good ancestor today".
It's our working relationships and resource management that we need to learn to renew. It was a joy to recognize oneself as part of the real process, which has no beginning and will never end. The one with the constant transformations. The one in the Classic of Mutations.
RadioTV Mundo Novo
Follow the programs launched in the third season of Radio Tv Mundo Novo
Unreleased Podcast "Unstoppable Future".
Presented by Max Huszar and Luiz Renato Ferreira, it was based on the development of sound compositions in order to provide listeners with an attentive and critical look at the reality in which we live, an aesthetic appreciation of speech and its musical possibilities. She tells the audience about the whole process of Jardim das Delícias and its activities, the Colapso Climático laboratory, RadioTV itself, as well as Condô Cultural.
Second season of the program "What are you hungry for?"
With Ariela Doctors. A compilation of 10 episodes lasting approximately 30 minutes, with the following guests: Adriana Salay, Anelis Assumpção, Erika Malunguinho, Elaine de Azevedo, Mônica Passarinho, Bela Gil, André Degenszajn, Moriti Neto, João Rockett and Tati Cavaçana, Maria Alves and Silvana Alves.
Third season of the program "Feito Música"
With Max Huszar. With ten episodes, it presented a musician/composer and his composition process, listening to some of his works interspersed with interviews: Marco Benvegnù (Brother Victor), Pedro Pastoriz , Lauiz, Felipe Mancini, Chico Bernardes, Mariana Rhormens, Luca Frazão (Brazilian guitar), Arthur Decloedt, Morris and Banda Masoko.
Audiovisual and sound materials were also produced for the Bioconstruction workshops with the Moça Barro collective, and Agroforestry with Bento Cruz.
On February 26, 2022, the live broadcast took place during the Seed and Seedling Exchange Fair.
The episodes can be accessed on the RadioTV Mundo Novo page on our website, on youtube and on spotify.
The new RadioTV Mundo Novo programs give us a very important insight into the ecocultural process that we are experiencing in 2020 and 2021 with the pandemic, from the moment the Garden was set up and RadioTV Mundo Novo began, to the activities carried out in this project and the communication strategies.
Climate Collapse Research
The Climate Collapse Research, the Climate Collapse Laboratory and the Unstoppable Future exhibition, coordinated by Jonaya de Castro, were carried out in three acts.
The survey was a large-scale mapping of groups, collectives, organizations and institutions working on ecocultural issues. Carried out between September and October 2021, it resulted in a report available as a PDF, called Art in Struggle - Free Research on Artivism, the Environment and Climate Collapse, available to download below.
LAB Climate Collapse
It took place between September 2021 and January 2022 and had 12 participants who were chosen through a selection process. There were 12 online meetings, 2 of which were for group selection and 10 meetings for knowledge exchange and the production of the Unstoppable Future exhibition. We welcomed Paloma Costa, Djuena Tikuna and Ana Neca as guests for the meetings on the following topics: Climate Collapse and Point of No Return and COP 26; Dynamics of 1.5ºC - global warming; Little progress on the climate agenda; Proposal for an artistic intervention against oil exploration in Fernando de Noronha.
A collective document with references, ideas and records of the meetings can be accessed here: CLIMATE COLLAPSE
Radical Future Exhibition
On February 26, 2022, in person at Condô Cultural, there was a presentation of audiovisual works: "VISIONS OF THE END OF THE WORLD - today and tomorrow - - today is tomorrow" by Daniela Landin; "Yyja - Guardians of the Waters" by Conrado Lessa; and "Journal of the End of the World" by Alê Monteiro, Alex Zudão, Alexandre Gonçalves, Ariane Provasi, Davi Damasceno, Nielson Santos and Willer Bontempo. There was also a mural in the backyard with licks with content on the theme of Climate Collapse, the Amazon and Democracy. Produced by artist Átila Fragoso from the Paulestinos group, this work was sent to 25 other cities and institutions in 9 different Brazilian states, as well as Germany.

Carol Grespan
She graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from FAU-USP in 2004 and is studying for a master's degree in design at the same institution. She has been working as a freelance graphic designer since 2007, during which time she has collaborated with magazines from various publishers and also designed graphic projects for children's books, corporate books and biographies. She has been producing photogravures since 2014, with a special interest in urban landscapes.

Daise Cerqueira
She graduated in Business Administration from the Anhanguera University Center in São Paulo in 2017, and has a postgraduate degree in Contemporary Cultural Management: from Expanding the Poetic Repertoire to Building Collaborative Teams, from Itaú Cultural in partnership with the Singularidades Institute. Since 2014 she has worked at Condô Cultural as administrative and financial director and in the management of the space.

Géssica Arjona
Graduated in Performing Arts from the State University of Londrina (UEL) in 2004, she has lived and worked in São Paulo since 2009, where she has worked as a producer in the development, creation and execution of various artistic and cultural projects. She is the creator of Condô Cultural, a creative cultural association that began in 2010, where she carries out different creative actions and projects focused on art, culture and the environment.

Giselle Rocha
She photographs, preserves, thinks about and makes culture, plants a little, cooks another, connects people and likes to make art out of it all. She dances whenever she can. And she tries to understand the world and the people around her. She also thinks that all this togetherness is her way of being politically in the world.

Jonaya de Castro
Graduated in Social Communication with a specialization in Journalism - 1998/2001, PUC SP and Postgraduate in cultural management / specialization Cultural Management in Cultural Capitals of the European Union - Santander Foundation - Spain 2010/2011. Manager of cultural projects and research, with extensive experience in public cultural policies, activism and participatory processes.

Kako Guirado
Director and Technical Producer; Cultural Entrepreneur and Sound Designer; Develops and creates projects, provides infrastructure consultancy for artistic and cultural activities. He works in a wide range of areas, such as festivals, exhibitions, events, production agencies, concerts, exhibitions and shows.

Luanah Cruz
Cultural producer, performer, actress, singer and art educator, she specializes in Music and Image at FASM and holds a BA in Communication and Body Arts from PUC-SP. She is a member of Coletivo Preta Performance and co-founder of Coletivo Intrânsitto. Between 2020 and 2022, she was part of the Condô team on the RádioTV Mundo Novo project and the Inadiável Futuro project.

Luiz Renato Ferreira
Euthonist, researcher of the body and movement. He graduated in Performing Arts from UEL in 2005 and has been building his career with experience in dance and theater, both in teaching and in creative projects. He trained professionally in Eutonics at the Brazilian Institute of Eutonics from 2013 to 2018 and provides individual treatments for various postural issues, back problems, chronic pain, insomnia, depression and various other psychosomatic maladjustments.

Maurício Schneider
An actor and researcher by training, he has twelve years' experience in investigating scenic language and experimental theater, and has also worked as a director, stage manager, costume designer and producer. Scenic and performing arts are his main field of activity. He was part of the Condô Cultural management team from 2019 to 2022.

Max Huszar
Graduating in Composition from Santa Marcelina College. For 10 years he has participated in authorial music ensembles, working as a musician, composer and arranger. Since 2017 he has worked as a sound designer and creator of soundtracks for various plays. Between 2020 and 2022, he was part of the team at Condô Cultural and RádioTV Mundo Novo, working as a broadcast technician, editor, announcer, music programmer, composer of vignettes and tracks, as well as creating scripts and presenting different programs.

Tábata Arjona
At Condô since 2017, she has been researching, studying and experimenting with natural fermentation, collaborating as a cook and baker at various house events. Today, together with her project partner, Paola Toya, she runs Venda Escondida, a little door with street access that is open to the public every Sunday with Café Caipira, a breakfast in the Condô's Garden of Delights, producing various eating wonders.
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