Printmaking Workshop
In person

Courses/Workshops/Project Monitoring
One of Condô's rooms houses the studio where Cleiri Cardoso does his work and on certain days of the week he opens up his space to people interested in practicing graphic processes with him.
This space is thought of as a place for technical guidance, sharing processes and artistic practice, with no fixed duration.
The meetings include lectures and studio practice.
Small classes with individual guidance. Private lessons are also possible.

Who it's for
People interested in starting to work with engraving, learning or improving graphic processes and those who want support and guidance in developing projects.
days and times to be arranged
This group works on woodcuts and other relief engraving processes (linocuts, stamps, etc.). The topics covered are: types of matrices, drawing and other base possibilities for engraving, engraving or carving the matrices, manual and mechanical printing, materials involved (tools, inks and additives, papers, cleaning materials, etc.), safe use of materials, maintenance and sustainability in the engraving studio.
Part of the material is provided by the studio (cleaning material, ink for proofing, tools, simple papers) and part is provided by the participant (matrices, inks for printing, papers).

Metal engraving
days and times to be arranged
Weekly meetings to practice and study the direct (dry point, burin, black way, roulette) and indirect (etching and aquatint) processes of metal engraving, with an emphasis on the possibilities of reducing toxicity in the engraving studio. The dynamic of the meetings consists of presenting these processes as a basis for each participant to develop their work according to their interests.
Part of the material is provided by the studio (cleaning material, ink for proofing, tools) and part is provided by the participant (matrices, inks for printing, paper).

To find out more, contact us by WhatsApp (11) 97232-7096 or [email protected]
Monthly Investment
1x a week (04 lessons)
General Public: R$ 480,00
For Condô Members: R$ 400,00
(value of each course)

Cleiri Cardoso
Visual artist and teacher with a degree in fine arts from FAP/PR and a master's degree in visual poetics from ECA/USP. She has been working with printmaking and image reproduction media for over twenty years. Her work as an artist is based on graphic processes and their proximity to photography and video. Her interests range from the earliest printmaking processes such as woodcut, metal engraving, lithography and typography, to more recent media or those that emerge as adaptations/derivations of these such as stencil, gumprint, photogravure, stamps, kitchen litho, and matrices on cardboard packaging or plastic surfaces.
At the same time as his artistic work, since 2006 he has been teaching courses and workshops on various graphic processes in free studios, mainly at SescSp units, cultural workshops in the state and at his studio.