26 items found.
Regular Hand Modeling Meeting
Regular hand modeling meeting with Luiza Freire Me, Luiza Freire and ...
Theater Workshop: "A story within a story"
Hello, families on vacation in São Paulo!!! What an incredible vacation course ...
Scenic creation workshop: from the blank page to building a character
Hello, families on vacation in São Paulo!!! What an incredible vacation course ...
Healthy Body Practice
Classes to connect with your own body and restore energy through movement, based on different breathing techniques, joint mobility, stretching and body awareness.
Contemporary dance/ Free dance
In this workshop, Rita Cavassana proposes a space for participants to develop self-care through dance and enjoy bodily well-being through meditation, stretching, somatic education and improvisation based on the language of contemporary dance.
Registration - Courses, workshops and experiences - Condô Cultural - 2023
Courses, workshops and experiences - Condô Cultural - 2023.
The Condô cycle of activities will be taught and guided by different arts and environmental professionals, providing participants with an enriching and transformative experience.