Poetic Breaths

Saturdays, between programs
Writer/psychologist Silvia Nogueira shares a brief selection of texts/poetry in the form of possible breaths in the midst of chaos. Poetry saves, my people! Let it be a treat.
Silvia Nogueira: content, research and presentation.
http://facebook.com/silnogueirahMax Huszar: mixing and editing.
https://www.instagram.com/maxhuszar/Poetic Breaths T01 EP10
This Saturday, we revisit the man-moon, lesmolisas, the rainy, a river that laughs at me in a dive into comic waters. Bricative poetics summon us to the power and lightness of the comic through wordy breaths of Manuel de Barros, Wilson Bueno, Jacques Prevert and Lewis Carroll.
Voices: Patrícia Kalil and Silvia Nogueira. Music: Cátia de França, Jean and Paulo Garfunkel and Maurício Pereira.
More Episodes

Poetic Breaths T02 EP22 12/06/2021
A flight further south in South America, through Uruguay, Argentina, Chile and - of course and always! - Paraguay. In the voices of Galeano, Cortázar, Monvel and Espíndola.

Poetic Breaths T02 EP21 05/06/2021
Second flight through playful breaths with palindromic inventions, glossolalia and architectures of the finest composition, with poets of palindromic art and the poetry of Artaud, Mallarmé and Haroldo de Campos.

Poetic Breaths T02 EP20 29/05/2021
the poetry of concrete. a flight through solid things. almost tangible poems. today's breaths are dedicated to the great Brazilian poet João Cabral de Melo Neto.

Poetic Breaths T02 EP19 22/05/2021
Poems go out to pray in the current. today poetry is also prayer. short *prayer-poems* by contemporary poets. Patrícia Claudine Hoffmann, Pedro Sktls, Thiago Soares and Pedro Muriel.

Poetic Breaths T02 EP18 15/05/2021
We sail through the basic words that form us from the root. Words by Jorge de Lima, Marcelino Freire, Edimilson Pereira and Ricardo Aleixo. Songs: Mateus Aleluia and Tincoãs.

Poetic Breaths T02 EP17 08/05/2021
inspired by eternal poetic traces, we bring you the voices of antonio bivar, olga savary, sérgio sant'anna and aldir blanc

Poetic Breaths T02 EP16 01/05/2021
We continued into the canoe with the poetic orality of ancestral speeches through a Maxakali ritual chant, Popol Vuh and the poetics of Ailton Krenak, Daniel Munduruku and Kaka Wera Jekupe.

Poetic Breaths T02 EP15 24/04/2021
We recall the words of Douglas Diegues in the introduction to his Kosmofonia Mbya Guarani and discover that the Mbya-Guarani do not yet know poetic language...

Poetic Breaths T02 EP14 17/04/2021
The conjugation of the senses in a gesture of time. an ode to slow time. try it. eat it, chew it. see it, hear it, feel it. sharpen your sense of smell. breathe. it's vital! haikais by Helena Kolody, Alice Ruiz, Orides Fontela and algunos hombres.

Poetic Breaths T02 EP13 10/04/2021
Playful poetics summon us to the power and lightness of the comic through breaths of Manuel de Barros, Wilson Bueno, Jacques Prevert and Lewis Carroll.

Poetic Breaths T01 EP12 19/12/2020
I invite my friends to share their treasures and make their delicious voices echo in the air, I feel like I'm embracing them. I leave you with this strong poetic hug, wishing you much health, love and axé!

Poetic Breaths T01 EP11 12/12/2020
An invitation to listeners to explore the poetics of Rosa's sertanejo prose. Breaths of the great backlands, by Guimarães Rosa.

Poetic Breaths T01 EP10 28/11/2020
Bricative poetics summon us to the power and lightness of the comic through wordy breaths of Manuel de Barros, Wilson Bueno, Jacques Prevert and Lewis Carroll.

Poetic Breaths T01 EP09 21/11/2020
Poetic voices of women warriors full of charm, power and axé. Words by Conceição Evaristo, Elisa Lucinda, Luna Vitrolira and Cidinha da Silva.

Poetic Breaths T01 EP08 14/11/2020
A brief flight through Brazilian constructions of Africa - and vice verse. Words by Jorge de Lima, Marcelino Freire, Edimilson Pereira and Silvia Nogueira. Voices: Marcelino Freire, Bia Nogueira, Juliana Notari and Sílvia Nogueira.

Poetic Breaths T01 EP07 07/11/2020
An invitation to throw ourselves into the sea, with subtlety and softness, we begin with Sophia de Mello Breyner's words-of-the-sea, and go on to give voice to the words of Melville, Raul Brandão, Alberto Martins and Brecht.

Poetic Breaths T01 EP06 31/10/2020
"Being and having been", this is the substance of these living-earth words. Words of love with bodies present - and others, simultaneously. Words of whole-life transmuting the body and beyond. With you, Hilda Hilst.

Poetic Breaths T01 EP05 24/10/2020
A flight further south in South America, through Uruguay, Argentina, Chile and - of course and always! - paraguayas. In the voices of Galeano, Cortázar, Monvel and Espíndola.

Poetic Breaths T01 EP04 17/10/2020
A brief journey through Pessoa's best-known heteronyms - the poems of Alberto Caeiro and Ricardo Reis, the poetic prose of Bernardo Soares and the no less poetic thunder of Álvaro de Campos.

Poetic Breaths T01 EP03 10/10/2020
A stage for Tiago Rodrigues.

Poetic Breaths T01 EP02 03/10/2020
A dive into Clarice Lispector.

Poetic Breaths T01 EP01 26/09/2020
The words of the great Brazilian writer Carolina Maria de Jesus.