Garden of Delights

Tuesdays at 7pm
Sharing ideas and tips on planting, growing and composting. Condô's backyard is in the process of being transformed and the Garden of Delights is a permanent experimental laboratory for experiencing agroforestry processes in practice and exchanging ideas about food, organic cultivation and composting.
Bruna Quevedoéssica Arjonaício Schneider Huszar Nalin of Delights T01 EP06 - Spices and Herbs
The sixth episode is aromatic. We're going to learn a little about growing some essential spices to have at home. As well as bringing smells and flavors to our home, basil, oregano, rosemary, chives, parsley, mint and sage are true medicines.
More Episodes

Garden of Delights T01 EP08 - Cabbage 15/12/2020
A staple on the Brazilian table, cabbage can be eaten raw, sautéed or in broths. Let's learn how to grow, care for and make seedlings from your own tree.

Garden of Delights T01 EP07 - Pumpkin O1/12/2020
Super versatile, pumpkin can be eaten in the form of fruit, flowers and shoots. Let's talk about planting, cultivation and pollination.

Garden of Delights T01 EP06 - Spices and Herbs 24/11/2020
We will learn about growing herbs and spices such as basil, oregano, rosemary, chives, parsley, mint and sage.

Garden of Delights T01 EP05 - Onion and Leek 17/11/2020
Did you know that the onions and leeks you use in the kitchen can produce seedlings for your garden?

Garden of Delights T01 EP04 - Natural Fertilizer 10/11/2020
The "waste" you throw away can become food for your plants. Learning how to make natural fertilizer.

Garden of Delights T01 EP03 - Little Fish 03/11/2020
Do you know pancs? Learning to grow pansies from clumps.

Garden of Delights T01 EP02 - Carrot 27/10/2020
The Carrot. Producing seeds in beds in rows and regrowing in water.

Garden of Delights T01 EP01 - Aubergine 20/10/2020
Eggplant. How to grow your own seedlings?