Inside talk

Thursdays at 9pm
Sato do Brasil talks to guests about the most talked-about issues of the moment, such as anti-racism, democratization of information, the pandemic, the indigenous cause and the Amazon, all of which are focused on the issue of human rights.
Research, development of themes, contacts and interviews: Sato do Brasil, development of themes and contacts: Giselle Rocha Conversation T01 EP06
This edition's guest is Alex Borges Barcellos, elected as Co-Councillor by the Quilombo Periférico Mandate. He is a cultural coordinator at the Solano Trindade agency and the Juvesol Network - Youth and Solidarity Economy, producer of the Percurso Festival, former community agent at the Popular Women's Union, UPM. He is a member of the Resenha Poética da Várzea socio-educational collective and participates in the Ocupa Política network. Former popular educator at the Municipal Incubator for Solidarity Economy in São Paulo. Former Trade and Retail Manager. Social entrepreneur at Speriferia Economia da Cultura, Criativa e Solidária.
More Episodes

Inside Conversation T01 EP07 17/12/2020
In this program, Sato and Taciana Barros chat and ask themselves: can art still be combative?

Inside Conversation T01 EP06 03/12/2020
Conversation with Alex Borges Barcellos.

Inside Conversation T01 EP05 19/11/2020
A conversation with Master Lumumba

Inside Conversation T01 EP04 05/11/2020
Sato do Brasil talks to Carmen Silva, leader of the Movimento dos Sem-Teto do Centro.

Inside Conversation T01 EP03 22/10/2020
For a non-hegemonic culture: music, theater, dance, cinema and education with Saloma Salomão.

Inside Conversation T01 EP02 08/10/2020
Information and Democracy during the pandemic with journalist Laura Capriglione.

Inside Conversation T01 EP01 24/09/2020
Daniel Cara talks about the paths of education in the current timeframe: Criminalized teachers, FUNDEB approval, distance learning and back to school.