To the Living

Saturday at 7pm
aos vivos - as vivas - aes vives The first radio program in wild portunhol on planet Earth. Content from the Vila Anglo Brasileira neighborhood, west-central São Paulo, Brazil, actions by Condô Cultural, interviews with neighborhood residents, artists and activists. Poetry, music, voices from the neighborhood and a summary of critical current affairs.
To the Living T01 EP12
Presented by Sílvia Nogueira and Laura Corcuera.In the program #13, an interview with Clebio Ferreira de Souza, "Dedé", artist, cultural producer, educator and clown. Researcher at the Perus Cement Factory, co-founder and clown of the Trupe Liuds theater company. Co-founder, manager and president of the Quilombaque Cultural Association, now campaigning for the resistance of space in the Perus neighborhood, northeast of the city of São Paulo.
More Episodes

Live T01 EP24 19/12/2020
In the program #24 the topic is Portunhol salvaje! + Douglas Diegues, writer, editor and researcher of researcher and resident on the Brazil-Paraguay border. Production: Juliana Notari. Technician: Max Huszar.

To the Living T01 EP23 12/12/2020
In program #23, the themes are arts in resistance + the new theater company from Rio created during the pandemic: Te-arteiros Santa Marta. Production: Juliana Notari. Technician: Max Huszar.

To the Living T01 EP22 28/11/2020
In this week's #22 program, the theme is recycling + an interview with Josefa Araujo, owner of Zefa's thrift store and resident of the Vila Anglo Brasileira neighborhood. Production: Juliana Notari. Technician: Max Huszar.

Live T01 EP21 21/11/2020
This week's theme is black consciousness and anti-racism + an interview with Juliana de Paula Costa, Arianda Patrícia Linhares and Luana Morena Leal, black educators and activists.

To the Living T01 EP20 14/11/2020
This week's theme is the body, human bodies, vulnerable and interdependent, in resistance, molestos, subtiles + interview with Halu Gamashi, therapist and writer.

To the Living T01 EP19 07/11/2020
This week's topic is the climate emergency and the destruction of biodiversity + interview with Rafael Frigerio, geographer and environmentalist.

Live T01 EP18 31/10/2020
New words, songs and wild portunhol. Chat with Paulo Pereira.

To the Living T01 EP17 24/10/2020
This week's theme is original cultures and resistance + interview with the Mandato Coletivo Jaraguá e Guaraní.

To the Living T01 EP16 17/10/2020
New words, songs and wild portunhol. Chat with Sidnei Carriuolo.

To the Living T01 EP15 10/10/2020
New words, songs and wild portunhol. Chat with Georgina Paula Cruz de Campos.

To the Living T01 EP14 03/10/2020
New words, songs and wild portunhol. Chat with Jean Garfunkel.

To the Living T01 EP13 26/09/2020
New words, songs and wild portunhol. Chat with Bruno Cesar de Lima Graciano.

To the Living T01 EP12 19/09/2020
New words, songs and wild portunhol. Chat with Clebio Ferreira de Souza.

To the Living T01 EP11 29/08/2020
New words, songs and wild portunhol. Chat with Ariela Doc.

To the Living T01 EP10 22/08/2020
New words, songs and wild portunhol. Chat with Jairo Pereira.

To the Living T01 EP09 15/08/2020
New words, songs and wild portunhol. Chat with Maria da Penha Nascimento.

To the Living T01 EP08 08/08/2020
New words, songs and wild portunhol. Chat with Cláudia Santos.

To the Living T01 EP07 01/08/2020
New words, songs and wild portunhol. Chat with Bruna Quevedo.

To the Living T01 EP06 25/07/2020
New words, songs and wild portunhol. Chat with André Mello.

To the Living T01 EP05 18/07/2020
New words, songs and wild portunhol. Chat with Francisca Lina Barbosa.

To the Living T01 EP04 11/07/2020
New words, songs and wild portunhol. Chat with Eneida Sanches.

To the Living T01 EP03 04/07/2020
New words, songs and wild portunhol. Chat with Géssica Arjona.

To the Living T01 EP02 27/06/2020
New words, songs and wild portunhol. Chat with Beatriz Nogueira.

To the Living T01 EP01 07/06/2020
New words, songs and wild portunhol. Chat with Juliana Notari.