FIFTH QUESTION 59th edition
In person

We invite you to take part in the 59th edition of the Fifth Question!
What if schools thought of themselves as refuges, as multi-species regenerative spaces. With the commitment to observe their territories, however urbanized or degraded they may be, and take the time to study their past, observe the present, map climate and social problems, and then choose one or more species to take refuge in that territory. Faced with ecocide, how can we cultivate a culture of care, regenerative for and with children and adolescents, in harmony with this operating world? This is the question.

Let's welcome the anthropologist @joanadosarcos which invites us to create the school as a place of refuge.
The Fifth Question is a space for openness and exchange of references, dedicated to getting to know the work being done by artists and researchers.
Since its creation in 2012, 58 editions have been held with guests from the most diverse artistic fields.
November 13th, 7pm
In Condô Cultural.
Rua: Mundo Novo, 342
The bar and @salehidden will be open for snacks and drinks.
We look forward to seeing you!
Joana dos Arcos
I'm an anthropologist experimenting with childhood and adolescence in times of the Anthropocene. Apprentice Griô, apprentice herbalist of oral traditions and Ayurveda.