27 items found.
Tai Chi no Condô | Tai Chi Pai Lin
Tai Chi no Condô | Tai Chi Pai Lin with Tânia Murakami TaiChiPaiLin are ...
Regular Hand Modeling Meeting
Regular hand modeling meeting with Luiza Freire Me, Luiza Freire and ...
Laboratory - Acting: two looks in perspective
With artistic-pedagogical direction by maria thaís, the Acting Laboratory: two perspectives is made up of two modules: The Life of the Human Spirit - based on C. Stanislavski and The Musculature of the Imagination - based on V. Meierhold.
Healthy Body Practice
Classes to connect with your own body and restore energy through movement, based on different breathing techniques, joint mobility, stretching and body awareness.
Ateliê da Cena
An independent project that promotes theater classes dedicated to children and young people. The classes are based on experimenting with theatrical poetics, practiced through games, improvisations, character building and collective creations.
Printmaking Workshop
Courses/Workshops/Project Monitoring
Practicing graphic processes with the assistance of Cleiri Cardoso.
The space was conceived as a place for technical guidance, process sharing and artistic practice.