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Gabriela Sacchetto

A visual artist and educator, she has been working in a studio in Condô since 2016.
She has a master's degree in visual poetics from ECA-USP. He develops his artistic work mainly in the fields of painting, drawing and engraving. Observational drawing plays an important role in the construction process of her works, which have the landscape as the trigger for the artistic process. She was nominated for the PIPA Award 2021 and has taken part in several exhibitions, including: "Do tamanho da respiração", at Galeria FASAM, in Belo Horizonte; "Triangular - arte deste século", at Casa Niemeyer in Brasília; "Scapeland: Territory of Free Transit", at the Memorial da América Latina in São Paulo; "Barrer todo con agua", at the gallery of the Instituto Superior de Artes de Havana in Cuba; "38o Salão de Arte de Ribeirão Preto", at the Museu de Arte de Ribeirão Preto, where she won the acquisition prize.

